The idea
The idea of developing the MOVE-ment (migration-opportunité-voyager-employment) project came about following a detailed analysis of the context of the territories targeted for the intervention: Senegal and Gambia.
The high unemployment rate and the difficulty of finding work for young people have had a decisive influence on international migration, leading thousands of young Senegalese and Gambians to emigrate to Europe by sea, through the Hell Highway that reaches Libya.
The MOVE-ment project was born from these assumptions, aimed at those who are interested in legally emigrating to Italy both for family reasons (through reunification) and for employment/professional training (by considering the employment needs).
Our project will favour the evolution of a pathway in which migrant citizens will become aware of the rules and procedures for access, through a stable territorial network that is able to interact with institutions, enterprises and the social sector.
MOVE-ment aims to ensure early integration by providing pre-departure skills.
In the case of Action 01, the main objective is to: qualify and facilitate family reunification paths, safeguarding the right to family unity contemplated in the main national, european and international instruments. Each beneficiary will be able to benefit from an integrated pathway consisting of: orientation, language and civic training.
About 60% of women, 30% of children, 10% of men will be involved for this action, distributed as follows:
150 Senegalese citizens and citizens (Region of Dakar, Thies, Kaolak);
50 Gambian citizens (Weast Coast Region, Kanifing Municipal Council, North Bank),
In the case of Action 02, MOVE-ment aims to improve the level of employment, through an integrated path of transversal and professional training, of active labor policies, of professional skills immediately usable in the Italian work context, in order to facilitate and fostering their capacity for socio-occupational integration.
The recipients of this specific action will be the real actors of an ad hoc path that includes language and civic training, both theoretical and on-the-job professional training. Managerial, managerial and practical skills will be transferred to them.
The direct recipients of this action will be:
250 Senegalese citizens (aged 18 to 34) from the Regions of Dakar, Thies, Kaolak;
150 Gambian citizens (aged 18 to 34) from the Weast Coast Region, Kanifing Municipal Council, North Bank.